Management Network And System Administration (Network Security)Most of the effort to improve the security system focuses largely on the server, but many incidents are caused by user error due to desktop systems that are less guarantee the security of user activity. The incident "" viruses, trojans, and tapping the credit card number by keystroke-broadcast program indicates that the user is the weak link the security of a system. So is the existence of computer viruses that often cause system can not work properly, or even a computer virus able to work as a tapper tappers digital signatures or other data that is important. Computer viruses or other malware attack many desktop users. So as safe-safe system server, it becomes meaningless when the desktop that are used do not have good security and integrity. Secure Desktop is a work environment where users can work and do activities with the support of adequate security. Secure desktop is expected to be able to handle security and support user activity that requires a high level of security such as data entry via the Internet. This is needed for example for the desktop in banking applications, or for the General Election (Election). Unfortunately often sistme operations and desktop systems are not so considered in designing a secure system is. To meet the concept of secure desktop then a few things to consider:• The device peripherals are controlled (no CDROM, no floppy, serial and USB), making it difficult for users to freely enter the program without a definite control.• Protected address space so that applications that do not have high privileges can not violate these restrictions.• API which is safe.• file structure (file system) that is safe, for example equipped with encrypted file system.By using a well-coordinated system, the user can be set so that:• Users can only use applications that are allowed. In other words, users or viruses that exploit a user's access rights can not install new applications.• Users can only use the file space allowed.• Users can not install or modify an existing program.• The action the user can not damage the integrity of the system, eg the presence of the virus will not interfere with any other system or user.The language used by programs to interact with the user also is very important because the security measures that should be clearly understood and understandable by users, such as the SSL dialog box is displayed by a web browser, often ignored by users due to language barriers. The things above are enough to make the basis that the need to develop a desktop system that supports security usernya activity. Desktop security considerations are safe not only from the technical side but also from the users and organizations.In general, the core of network security procedures within a firm commitment is required from a person or team, who really pay attention to the overall course of networking. This team must thoroughly understand