Cable television service and high speed internet has become everyone's needs, especially in big cities. Number of entertainment and information from either the television or the Internet has provided an increasing number of users, so keep in mind the quality, speed and capacity of the distribution of data. For devices that need to be made ​​an advanced technology that can deliver all these services through just one medium that can eliminate the complexity of implementation and use of the device the customer side.

Hybrid Fiber Coax network structure (HFC) is one of network technology that can meet those needs. HFC is a telecommunications network device that is a combination of technology, fiber optic, optoelectronic and traditional coaxial cable technology that is a technology "hybrid". The use of HFC networks enable the provision of various services as well as telephone, internet, cable TV and Video-On-Demand (VOD) with data transmission speed is higher and the quality is good.

The results of this network is planning an HFC network architecture design that takes into account the network infrastructure, network architecture, system performance and bandwidth capabilities that are available for services offered, thus meeting the expected target network performance such as: CNR 43 and CSO, CTB, XMOD 51